How to Make Phone Calls
Dialing China from Abroad
To call a fixed phone
Dial the Exit Number of Your Country |
==> | +86-Country Code of China |
==> | +Area Codeof the Chinese City |
==> | +Telephone Number |
For example:
if you want to dial the number 12345678 in Beijing from America
011(US exit code) + 86 (Chinese country code) + 10 (Beijing Area Code) + 12345678
To call a cell phone
Dial the Exit Number of Your Country |
==> | +86-Country Code of China |
==> | +Cell Phone Number |
For example:
if you want to dial a cell phone number 12345678901
011(US exit code) + 86 (Chinese country code) + 12345678901
Dialing within China
To call a fixed telephone or mobile phone from a fixed telephone
Fixed phone: 0 + area code of the city you are going to call + fixed telephonenumber
Cell phone: 0 + mobile phone number
For example:
if you want to call the fixed phone number 12345678 (or a cell phone number 12345678901) in Beijing from Xian from a fixed phone:
Fixed phone: 0 + 10 (Beijing Area Code) + 12345678
Cell phone: 0 + 12345678901
To call a fixed number or mobile phone from a cell phone
Fixed phone: 0 + area code of the city you are going to call + fixed telephone number
Mobile phone: Dial the cell phone number directly
For example:
if you want to call the fixed phone number 12345678 (or a cell phone number 12345678901) in Beijing from Xian from a cell phone
Fixed phone: 0 + 10 (Beijing Area Code) + 12345678
Mobile phone: 12345678901
Note: For the specific area code of China, country code or exit code, please refer to China area code and zip code.
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